Survivor Created Resources

This multimedia library offers event recordings, one-pagers, skill-practice case studies, and survivor experience videos. All resources are free for use and can be edited to meet your educational needs.

Survivor Soundbite: “Intergenerational Abuse Makes Us More Accepting of Exploitation”

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Client Rights, Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from Julissa Ponce.

Survivor Soundbite: “Traffickers Will Take Advantage of Your Need to Trust Someone”

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from James Dold.

Survivor Soundbite: “We Need to Call Out the Non Profit Sector”

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Case Management, Client Rights, Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from Julissa Ponce.

Survivor Soundbite: Trauma Bonds in the Workplace

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Case Management, Client Rights, Foreign Nationals, Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from Bella Houkaney.

Survivor Soundbite: Unhealthy Work-life Boundaries in the Non Profit Sector

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Case Management, Client Rights, Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from Julissa Ponce.

Survivor Soundbite: “See Survivors as a Whole Person”

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Case Management, Client Rights, Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from Julissa Ponce.

Survivor Soundbite: Cognitive Dissonance in Trauma Bonding

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Case Management, Client Rights, Foreign Nationals, Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from Bella Houkaney

Survivor Soundbite: “Stop the Hierarchy of Trauma Between Sex and Labor Trafficking”

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Case Management, Client Rights, Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from Julissa Ponce.

Survivor Soundbite: “Is Your Non Profit Open to Criticism?”

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Case Management, Client Rights, Foreign Nationals, Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from Bella Hounakey.

Survivor Soundbite: “Respect Survivors’ Decisions About Their Own Life”

Author(s): Framework
Date: January 30, 2024
Topic(s): Case Management, Client Rights, Survivor Experiences

Clip is from a panel of survivors of labor trafficking who discuss what traumatic bonding is and what it was like for them in the human trafficking context in which they experienced it. You can find the full event here. Quote is from Julissa Ponce