Training and Technical Assistance to Build Capacity to Address Labor Trafficking in the U.S.

What problem are we addressing?
Despite the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) in 2000, labor trafficking remains a largely hidden crime—with enduring barriers for survivors to escape and connect with support services, for service agencies to provide quality care and access to resources, and for provider partners to identify and collaborate across disciplines to meet the needs of those that have experience trafficking.
What is our goal?
Our aim is to increase the capacity of social service providers and other community-based organizations to identify and provide transformative services to survivors of labor trafficking, and to develop organizations’ abilities to build the resources and partnerships necessary to increase the identification, service delivery, and healing of labor trafficking survivors.
How we do it?
We work with survivors, service providers and other experts to create tailored, engaging, and user-friendly resources, and to provide in-person and remote assistance—including case consultation, webinars, e-learning modules, online materials, and other resources that respond to needs identified by the field.